Pitlochry Winter Lights
2024 / 2025
Donate NowThe Pitlochry Winter Lighting Scheme is funded solely by donations from local businesses and families.

Thank you for your continued support if you are one of our band of loyal contributors – and we welcome you on board if you are a first time, or returning supporter.
Switched on in early October our winter lights are launched every year in support of the Enchanted Forest event that brings so many visitors to the town each autumn. These bright and colourful LED lights colourfully illuminate the town throughout this fantastic event, into the festive season and on into the dark early months of the new year for the enjoyment of businesses, visitors and citizens alike.
The cost to maintain, repair, replace and insure the lights each year as well as storing them all during the spring and summer and have them erected and taken down now stands at £10,000 per year.
As ever we are totally reliant on the towns support and generosity to meet this annual cost and make the winter lights possible !
Thank you in advance of your support... the Pitlochry winter lights would not happen without your valuable donation!
Kind regards,
The Pitlochry Winter Lighting Committee
Highland Perthshire Area CIC